Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What in the world are we doing?

Getting back to some of the things that I gleaned while I was reading Emerging Worship was making sure we ask the right questions as we plan our gathering. I mean, let's be honest, if we want to get a group of people together to get excited about something, to applaud and maybe even give a shout of encouragement, and to sing some songs, we can host a concert, a football game or some other athletic competition or a play. But there's something very different about a group of Christians gathering to actively worship God. But what makes it different? Great question! Here are some questions that need to be at the forefront of our thinking (hey, forefront, i like that name).

1. Do we lift up the name of Jesus as the centerpiece of why we gathered? (See Revelation 5:6, 13-14, Colossians 3:17, and Philippians 2:9-11)

2. Do we have a time in the Scriptures learning the story of God and man? Do we invite everyone to be part of his story today in Kingdom living? (See 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:4)

3. Do we pray together and have enough time to slow down and quiet our hearts to hear God's voice and yield to his Spirit? (See Acts 1:14 and John 4:23-24)

There are more but I'll save those for tomorrow. For now, let's get excited about what God is able to do in our lives and about the plans that He has for us in our journey together at First Baptist Church.

-- Peace, Jamie

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