Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What in the world are we doing? Pt 2

Running a little behind. Will and I had a great meeting yesterday. After it was over, we had a pretty good handle on how some of our teams are going to be set up. Look for a post with more info about our teams later on this week. We will be having a creative team meeting once Will and Lori get back from California. Then on May 28, we will have a launch team meeting to finalize plans for the fall.

Following up on yesterday's post about questions that we need to ask, here are three more.

4. Do we experience the joy, love and encouragement of being together as a church? (See Hebrews 10:25 and John 13:34-35)

5. Do we somehow remind everyone of the mission of the church and why we exist? (See Matthew 28:18-20)

6. Do we enable people to individually contribute something as part of the body of Christ? (See 1 Corinthians 12:27 and 14:26)

-- Peace, Jamie

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