Saturday, May 3, 2008

Asking the Question "Why?"

My ultimate goal in the planning/programming for this worship service is to ask (and be able to answer) the question "Why?" for every element, song, movie, etc. that we use. This is important to me because questions may arise as we begin to push the boundaries of what is currently normal for worship at FBC. But if we (as a team) have already been able to answer the questions of "Why?", then we will be ready to explain the reasoning behind the element. Some of those "Why?" questions could be:

Why would we use this ______ at all?
Why would we use this ______ at this point in the service?
Why would we use this ______ in this way?

It is my hope that we would be able to think theologically (as well as aesthetically) through these questions and ultimately avoid the dreaded "Because we've always done it this way" answer.


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