Thursday, June 12, 2008

Prayer Team

Pondering a Prayer Team. . .

A few of us have been putting thoughts together about what a Reveal Prayer Team would look like. There are lots of ideas:
1) We can have people praying during the service backstage (as Elevation does) or we can have people pray in a room before the service begins. When two or more are gathered in His name we will see some powerful things happen.
2) We can have a representative from each of the other teams let us know what the prayer requests are for their needs and purposes and have certain folks pray for them throughout the week (or we can also have them do double duty and serve on both teams, that way they intimately know what the teams needs are)
3) We can pray for the particular sermon series and for the hearts in the community that will be touched by those messages. We can pray that their hearts will be stirred to attend the services.
4) We could collect prayer requests for those individuals that ask for it or who have made decisions that week.
These are just initial thoughts - I am sure that there are many others things we can be praying for.
It would be great to hear others thoughts on what a Prayer Team might look like. Any thoughts on how often we would meet as a team?
Lori, Allison & Lindsay

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